Cheap Headstones and Monuments

Cheap Headstones and Monuments

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If you are looking for cheap headstones or cheap cemetery monuments then you need to read this.

If you buy the cheapest headstone or cheapest cemetery monument you can find then do not be surprised if you receive a cheap finished product. Memorials by Design removes and replaces cheap headstones every year because the families are truly unhappy with the lack of quality they received. Purchasing a headstone is not something you want to do twice, so do it right the first time.
Memorials by Design does not sell cheap headstones. What we do sell are very high quality, custom headstones and cemetery monuments at surprisingly affordable prices. It is simple business economics. If your operating expenses are kept low, then you can afford to offer both great quality and great prices. That is true value for your hard-earned dollar.
What enables Memorials by Design to beat the “competition” in price and quality for our headstones is two key factors. First, we avoid using subcontractors for delivery & installation by using our own trucks and cranes. There’s a significant cost savings there. And second, we help you avoid the commissioned salesperson, who typically makes 10-20% or more on each sale. And, they usually have little or no experience.
The bottom line here is that you should avoid buying cheap headstones or cheap cemetery monuments. What you should buy is the highest quality headstone or cemetery monument that fits your budget. It is money well spent.
Do yourself and your wallet a favor, take a look at what Memorials by Design offers. We’re confident you will be impressed with our extensive knowledge, compassionate guidance, and low prices.
We’re available 7 days a week to help. Call toll-free 1-800-690-9030.



“Memorials by Design makes memories last forever”

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